Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigObjects

Uses of ConfigObjects in context.arch.util

Methods in context.arch.util that return ConfigObjects
 ConfigObjects Configuration.getWidgetConfigurations()
          Returns the widget configurations for this configuration
 ConfigObjects Configuration.getInterpreterConfigurations()
          Returns the interpreter configurations for this configuration
 ConfigObjects Configuration.getServerConfigurations()
          Returns the server configurations for this configuration
 ConfigObjects Configuration.getOtherConfigurations()
          Returns the other component (not servers, widgets, or interpreters) configurations for this configuration
 ConfigObjects ConfigObjects.getObjectsType(java.lang.String type)
          Returns a list of all the configuration objects with the given type

Methods in context.arch.util with parameters of type ConfigObjects
 void Configuration.setWidgetConfigurations(ConfigObjects widgets)
          Sets the widget configurations for this configuration
 void Configuration.setInterpreterConfigurations(ConfigObjects interpreters)
          Sets the interpreter configurations for this configuration
 void Configuration.setServerConfigurations(ConfigObjects servers)
          Sets the server configurations for this configuration
 void Configuration.setOtherConfigurations(ConfigObjects others)
          Sets the the other component (not servers, widgets, or interpreters) configurations for this configuration