Interface Handler

All Known Implementing Classes:
EnactorSubscriptionManager, Server

public interface Handler

This empty interface allows the Handlers class to keep track of handlers. Any component that subscribes to widgets should extend this interface.

See Also:

Method Summary
 DataObject handle(java.lang.String subscriptionId, DataObject data)
          This abstract method is used to generically handle any callbacks that a widget may support.
 void handleIndependentReply(IndependentCommunication independentCommunication)
          This method is used to forward the result of an independent communication

Method Detail


public DataObject handle(java.lang.String subscriptionId,
                         DataObject data)
                  throws InvalidMethodException,
This abstract method is used to generically handle any callbacks that a widget may support. A context widget will call handle when a callback is triggered in the widget and the handler has subscribed to that callback.

data - DataObject containing the data for the widget callback
DataObject containing any directives to the widget that created the callback
InvalidMethodException - if the specified callback can't be found
MethodException - is thrown if the specified callback can not be executed successfully


public void handleIndependentReply(IndependentCommunication independentCommunication)
This method is used to forward the result of an independent communication