Context Toolkit: Tutorial: Disclaimers
Before we get into the details of the toolkit, here are a few disclaimers.
Currently the toolkit does not handle continuous information, only discrete
information. For example, if a stream of context needed to be passed to
an application, the toolkit could only support this task if the stream
could be broken up into discrete pieces. For example, a video stream from
a camera could be transferred as individual frames. This may or may not
be acceptable due to the real-time constraints of the context-aware application.
We have yet to do any performance tests on the toolkit communications,
so we can not guarantee any communications rate. A final disclaimer: the
toolkit was written in Java, but the mechanisms used are general enough
to be implemented in any language. We have built widgets and applications
in a number of different programing languages. In fact, I am currently
directing efforts to implement pieces of the toolkit in both C++ and Squeak.
However this tutorial does assume a knowledge of object-oriented programming.
This toolkit is research in progress. So, it's use at your own risk
software. Not all the features/bugs are documented, although the sample
code does test most of the features. Bug reports, request for features,
feedback from users is very welcome. The best way to get started with the
toolkit is to look at the papers, go through this tutorial,
install the software, look at the
code documentation and play around
with the code. Don't hesitate to send mail to,
the mailing list for the Context Toolkit, if you have any questions.
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Context Toolkit
Last Modified: Feburary 11, 2000
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